Monday, June 23, 2008

Dont worry about 2012?

1) If it isn't the Maya's calender than it is another calender which predicts the end of the world. When that passes it is suddenly yet another calender or religion which predicts it 'with all certainty'...It also highly depends on who interprets the calender and their writings btw. It is not like the Maya's said somewhere "on this date the earth will blow up".2) Sun storms are indeed a concearn and can influence the earth and the weather a lot. Not to mention satelites, etc. Before the sun will blow up into a red giant and swollow the earth, a massive sun storm would have already destroyed a lot on earth, directly or indirectly. Although I do not believe this will 'destroy' earth at all. At best we will suffer some consequences like global warming and the likes and some problems with communication or whatever, but that's it.3) The atom smasher: that is the most paranoid thing of all. Why is it that all of a sudden people cry out loud "oh nooooos, they are building an atom smasher and are creating black holes, we will all blow up"? Particle accelerators have existed a looooooong time, and there are already a lot of them. The _only_ reason why people are crying out loud now is that this new one has simply been on the news, nothing more. This is absolutely not "the first time they fire it up". And about those black holes and other 'deadly' results, that is absolutely BS too. That is just hear-say or whatever made by paranoids who don't even know the basics of how such partical accelerators work. You don't create universes and black holes in such machines at all... The worst that can happen is that someone with a peace maker will have a heart attack because he stands to close to a super conductive magnet of the machine, as a matter of speaking. 4) I stand corrected for what I said in point 3.... This is most BS of all... Every 10 years or so somebody comes shouting that the Bible predicts Armageddon in xxxx. Do you know that Armageddon isn't even an event, but a place? And in fact an existing place! Heck, according to a massive amount of previous Bible inspired predictions we wouldn't be here at this moment.See a massive list of some of those predictions (douzens and douzens for each year) here: all the cults and sects commit suicide or whatever when they believe they will be saved like that if "Armageddon" is here or that they experience the Rapture. It makes the world a nicer (less paranoid) place...5) Rubbish also.... that is, not the fact that Yellowstone is sitting on a super-volcano. But rubbish that "scientists have set the date for the big bang to 2012". The fact is that scientists do not know when it will errupt (if it will errupt at all as a super-volcano!). And the fact that it is overdue means absolutely nothing! If such a super-volcano with a cycle of 650000 years like this is overdue, it could well be another 10000 years before it even rumbles and has a hick-up.6) erm.... yeah.... this is just as worse/good as all the other thousands of predictions over the centuries... BTW: look at the Middle-East, or Africa, Soudan, and all the other places which do not catch the 7 o'clock news. There are many genocides, clensing of whole cultures, mass hunger and starving, killing millions every day, etc... I says there are already enough catastrophic events already without needing any calculator. All you need to do is looking a bit further than your TV-set and what they might (not) tell you on the news...7) same story as point 5....All paranoid nonsense, very good for a Blockbuster movie or interesting to read about. Nothing to worry about...

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