Monday, June 30, 2008
Download Email from a POP3 Server
' Create a mailman object for reading email.
Dim mailman As New Chilkat.MailMan()
' Any string argument automatically begins the 30-day trial.
mailman.UnlockComponent("30-day trial")
' Set our POP3 hostname, login and password
mailman.MailHost = ""
mailman.PopUsername = "login"
mailman.PopPassword = "password"
' Connecting via SSL is possible by adding these lines:
'mailman.PopSsl = true;
' Set the POP3 port to 995, the standard MS Exchange Server SSL POP3 port.
'mailman.MailPort = 995;
' Download email from the POP3 server by calling TransferMail
Dim bundle As Chilkat.EmailBundle
bundle = mailman.TransferMail()
If bundle Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer = bundle.MessageCount
For i = 0 To n - 1
Dim email As Chilkat.Email = bundle.GetEmail(i)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + email.From + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + email.Subject + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + email.Body + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "****" + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf
Next i
Send Hindi Email VB.NET Code
Dim success As Boolean = False
' Create a mailman object for sending email.
Dim mailman As New Chilkat.MailMan()
' Any string argument automatically begins the 30-day trial.
mailman.UnlockComponent("30-day trial")
' Set the SMTP server.
mailman.SmtpHost = ""
' Create an email object
Dim email As New Chilkat.Email()
' Set the basic email stuff: body, subject, "from", "to"
' (This source code file was saved as Unicode (code page 1200).)
email.Body = "मैं काँच खा सकता हूँ, मुझे उस से कोई पीडा नहीं होती."
email.Subject = "मैं काँच खा सकता हूँ, मुझे उस से कोई पीडा नहीं होती."
email.AddTo("मैं काँच", "")
email.From = "मैं काँच
' Chilkat will send Hindi email encoded as utf-8.
' It is possible to verify this by examining the full MIME text of the email:
' Send the Hindi email...
success = mailman.SendEmail(email)
If success Then
MessageBox.Show("Sent email!")
End If
Basic Send Email Source Code
' Create a mailman object for sending email.
Dim mailman As New Chilkat.MailMan()
' Any string argument automatically begins the 30-day trial.
mailman.UnlockComponent("30-day trial")
' Set the SMTP server hostname.
mailman.SmtpHost = ""
' Create a simple email.
Dim email As New Chilkat.Email()
email.Body = "This is the body"
email.Subject = "This is the subject"
email.AddTo("Chilkat Support", "")
email.From = "Jack Johnson
' Send mail.
Dim success As Boolean
success = mailman.SendEmail(email)
If success Then
MessageBox.Show("Sent mail!")
End If
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Dont worry about 2012?
7 reasons the world will end in 2012
Shadi ke Do Shabd
GEORGE WASHINGTON, letter to Burwell Bassett, May 23, 1785
Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity.
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, Maxims for Revolutionists
Marriage is for woman the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution.
BERTRAND RUSSELL, Marriage and Morals
Getting married is like permanently grafting your hand to the cookie jar. No matter how sweet those cookies may taste, you can't help but wonder what would have happened if you'd chosen some other dessert--brownies, for instance ... or frozen yogurt ... or maybe chocolate strudel.
JEROME P. CRABB, Marriage Quotes and Quibbles
Love, the strongest and deepest element in all life, the harbinger of hope, of joy, of ecstasy; love, the defier of all laws, of all conventions; love, the freest, the most powerful molder of human destiny; how can such an all-compelling force be synonymous with that poor little State- and Church-begotten weed, marriage?
EMMA GOLDMAN, Anarchism and Other Essays
Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men's nurses.
To make a happy fire-side clime
To weans and wife,
That's the true pathos and sublime
Of human life.
ROBERT BURNS, To Dr. Blacklock
Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart.
When a match has equal partners, then I fear not.
AESCHYLUS, Prometheus Bound
Those marriages generally abound most with love and constancy that are preceded by a long courtship.
JOSEPH ADDISON, The Spectator, Dec. 29, 1711
A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.
JANE AUSTEN, Pride and Prejudice
A man doesn't know what happiness is until he's married. By then it's too late.
FRANK SINATRA, The Joker Is Wild
Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.
JANE AUSTEN, Pride and Prejudice
Marriage, n. The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two.
AMBROSE BIERCE, The Devil's Dictionary
Those who talk most about the blessings of marriage and the constancy of its vows are the very people who declare that if the chain were broken and the prisoners left free to choose, the whole social fabric would fly asunder. You cannot have the argument both ways. If the prisoner is happy, why lock him in? If he is not, why pretend that he is?
I always compare marriage to communism. They're both institutions that don't conform to human nature, so you're going to end up with lying and hypocrisy.
BILL MAHER, Rolling Stone, Aug. 24, 2006
I never did, nor do I believe I ever shall, give advice to a woman who is setting out on a matrimonial voyage; first, because I never could advise one to marry without her own consent; and, secondly, I know it is to no purpose to advise her to refrain when she has obtained it. A woman very rarely asks an opinion or requires advice on such an occasion, till her resolution is formed; and then it is with the hope and expectation of obtaining a sanction, not that she means to be governed by your disapprobation, that she applies.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, letter to Lund Washington, Sep. 20, 1783
I'm never going to get married again. Three strikes you're out. I think if I would try to get married again in California I have to go to prison don't I? I think you only get three.
ROSEANNE BARR, Larry King Live, Mar. 2, 2006
The present relationship existing between husband and wife, where one claims a command over the actions of the other, is nothing more than a remnant of the old leaven of slavery. It is necessarily destructive of refined love; for how can a man continue to regard as his type of the ideal a being whom he has, be denying an equality of privilege with himself, degraded to something below himself?
HERBERT SPENCER, An Autobiography
If men were wise they would see that the affection that God has implanted in us is amply sufficient, when not weakened by artificial aid, to ensure permanence of union; and if they would have more faith in this all would go well. To tie together by human law what God has tied together by passion, is about as wise as it would be to chain the moon to the earth lest the natural attraction existing between them should not be sufficient to prevent them flying asunder.
HERBERT SPENCER, An Autobiography
Courtship to marriage, as a very witty prologue to a very dull Play.
Marriage is like life in this - that it is a field of battle, and not a bed of roses.
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, Virginibus Puerisque
Hail wedded love, mysterious law, true source
Of human offspring, sole propriety,
In Paradise of all things common else.
JOHN MILTON, Paradise Lost
Though women are angels, yet wedlock's the devil.
LORD BYRON, Hours of Idleness
It's terribly hard to be married ... harder than anything else. I think you have to be an angel.
Men marry because they are tired; women because they are curious. Both are disappointed.
OSCAR WILDE, A Woman of No Importance
Marry'd in haste, we oft repent at leisure.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Poor Richard's Almanac
Friday, June 20, 2008
Shani Maharaj
The tardiest of all the planets is Saturn, who is also known as Shaneeshwara, Shanaischara, Manda, Konastha, Pingala and Souri. Different stories are narrated to trace his origin. To begin with, he is said to be the offspring of Surya and Sangya, the daughter of Vishwakarma. Yama, the God of death and the river Yamuna are believed to be his sibilings. Shani, Tapathi and Saavarni are the three children born to Surya and Sangya
Appearance: The blue coloured Saturn is robed in blue clothes with a gold crown shining in all brilliance. His vehicle is eagle. Saturn is married to Sati, chitraradha’s daughter. Sati, a devoted wife, once approaches Shani desiring a child. But Shani, meditating upon Vishnu pays no heed to his wife. Disappointed by Shani’s attitude, Sati revels a curse that those who look at him be doomed. Shani appealed to absolve him of this curse go in vain. Henceforth, it is prescribed that those who look at him with bent heads would not carry the curse.
Another prevalent story about Sani is to be found in the Raamaayana. According to astrology, if Sani destroys the vehicle of Rohini, the pieces that fall on earth cause stark famine. Knowing this, king Dasharatha approached Sani, with a request not to be on the destructive spree. Sani is pleased with the king’s pleading and assures that he would not cause destruction. King Dasharatha is immensely pleased and goes rhapsodic about Sani’s greatness. These attributes of Sani composed by Dasharatha are quite famous.
The presiding deity of Sani is Lord Brahma. The Pratyadhi deity is Yama. The iron chariot driven by eagle is Saturn’s vehicle.
According to solar school of thought, Sani was believed to have been born out of Vayu (one of the five elements). The orbit of Saturn is 8.871 lakh miles away from the sun.
Saturn in Astrology: Saturn was born in Saurashtra into Kashyapa gotra in the year Vibhava on Navami of Shukala Paksha in Pushya maasa. His star was Bharani and he was born on a Saturday. Facing west-ward, he adorns Dhanus, Trishul, Arrow and Varada mudra in his four hands. He presides over Makara and Kumbha rashis. In the planetary system, he is positioned behind the Sun in a bow like formation towards west. Tula lagna is the best place for Shani. In a native horoscope, if Saturn is positioned in 3, 6 and 11 zodiac signs, he gives good results. His tenure is 19 years and in each sign, he resides for 30 months.
Popular stories about Shani: Once upon a time there lived a brahmin by name Gunaratnakara in Satyavratha region. Once the brahmin’s deceased grand father appears in the dream and prophesies the region of Saturn for seven and half years. The brahmin wakes up from the dream and chants the Shani stotra penned by king Dasharatha. Saturn is appeared but he says he would at-least afflict him for three and a half hours. The brahmin makes it to a forest with food tied in a piece of cloth and sits for penance. Just then thieves break into the palace of king Vasupala of Lakshmipura kingdom and decamp with jewellery tied into a casket. They run into the forest and disappear. Meanwhile the security guards of the palace chase the thieves and come across the meditating brahmin. By his side they see the casket of jewellery. The brahmin is taken to the king and when he unties the casket, he only finds food in it. The brahmin understands it as the effect of Shani and explains the same to the king.
Another story runs on the lines of how the cosmic Lord Shiva falls a prey to Shani’s affliction. Saturn is challenged by Shiva and in order to escape the clutches of Shani, Lord Shiva seeks refuge in the form of a seed in a fruit. Saturn tells the Lord that it is his affliction which made Lord Shiva leave his abode in kailasa and take shelter in an ordinary fruit.
Saturn’s impact fails to work when he plans to trap Lord Venkateshwara. Thus it is believed that those who worship the Lord of seven hills especially on Saturdays will be absolved from the evil effects of Shani.
Temples of Shani
An ancient temple in Mandapalli near Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh is a famous temple of Shani. Another one is at Shinganapur near Shirdi. The third famous temple is at Tirunallar in Tamil Nadu. Worshipping Lord Venkateshwara at Tirupathi or at any of these temples will appease Shani.
The diameter of Saturn is 7,25,000 miles and the temperature is 179 deg C. There is a circle of light encircling Saturn and it is the second biggest planet after Jupiter in the solar system. Saturn is positioned 2,01, 83,904 yojanas away from the earth. (one yojana is equal to eight miles).
Moola Mantram:
There are several books being used to worship Saturn. It is said that Shani japam should be done 19,000 times to win his favour. There are several beeja mantras to appease Shani.
General Mantra
Puranic Mantra
In other books
Tailabhishekam to Sani preferably on Saturndays or more so on Shani Trayodashi is very efficacious.
Material required
Piece of black cloth, Black gingelly seeds, Blue or black flowers, Garland, Til oil, Lamp, A mixture of gingelly and jaggery, Grains of rice, Turmeric, Kumkum, Coconut, Bananas, Incense sticks, Camphor, Betel leaves, Nuts, Idol of Shani and a piece of towel are required to perform Shani pooja and abhishekam.
Impact of Shani on human lives
The Saturn influences and shapes human attitudes. Longevity, frugality, patience, endurance, philosophical disposition, temperment, education, love for blue robes, foreign residence are all the gifts of Saturn. On the negative side, he rouses love for gambling, ill reputation, lack of systematic approach, procrastination and foolish behaviour. Cowardice and premature aging and a host of negative attitudes spring from Saturn.
To appease Shani, one has to give away blue coloured flowers, black gingelly seeds. Black slippers and umbrella. A blue coloured precious stone (Neela Mani) should be worn to pacify Saturn. Pushyami, Anuraadha and Uttaraabhaadra are the stars which are considered to be Shani nakshatras.
Check Your IP
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Do You know about Moon Facts
• By measuring the ages of lunar rocks, we know that the moon is about 4.6 billion years old, or about the same age as Earth.
• The distance between the Earth and its moon averages about 238,900 miles (384,000 kilometers). The diameter of the moon is 2,160 miles (3,476 kilometers). The moon's mass—the amount of material that makes up the moon—is about one-eightieth of the Earth's mass.
• Because the force of gravity at the surface of an object is the result of the object's mass and size, the surface gravity of the moon is only one-sixth that of the Earth. The force gravity exerts on a person determines the person's weight. Even though your mass would be the same on Earth and the moon, if you weigh 132 pounds (60 kilograms) on Earth, you would weight about 22 pounds (10 kilograms) on the moon.
• The rotation of the moon—the time it takes to spin once around on its own axis—takes the same amount of time as the moon takes to complete one orbit of the Earth, about 27.3 days. This means the moon's rotation is synchronized in a way that causes the moon to show the same face to the Earth at all times. One hemisphere always faces us, while the other always faces away. The lunar far side (aka the dark side) has been photographed only from spacecraft.
• The shape of the moon appears to change in a repeating cycle when viewed from the Earth because the amount of illuminated moon we see varies, depending on the moon's position in relation to the Earth and the sun. We see the full moon when the sun is directly behind us, illuminating a full hemisphere of the moon when it is directly in front of us. The new moon, when the moon is darkened, occurs when the moon is almost directly between Earth and the sun—the sun's light illuminates only the far side of the moon (the side we can't see from Earth).
• The moon orbits the Earth at an average speed of 2,300 miles an hour (3,700 kilometers an hour).
• The moon's gravitational pull on the Earth is the main cause of the rise and fall of ocean tides. The moon's gravitational pull causes two bulges of water on the Earth's oceans—one where ocean waters face the moon and the pull is strongest and one where ocean waters face away from the moon and the pull is weakest. Both bulges cause high tides. These are high tides. As the Earth rotates, the bulges move around it, one always facing the moon, the other directly opposite. The combined forces of gravity, the Earth's rotation, and other factors usually cause two high tides and two low tides each day.
• The airless lunar surface bakes in the sun at up to 243 degrees Fahrenheit (117 degrees Celsius) for two weeks at a time (the lunar day lasts about a month). Then, for an equal period, the same spot is in the dark. The dark side cools to about -272 degrees Fahrenheit (-169 degrees Celsius).
• The rocks and soil brought back by Apollo missions are extremely dry; the moon has no indigenous water. However, the moon is bombarded by water-laden comets and meteoroids. Most of this water is lost to space, but some is trapped in permanently shadowed areas near both poles of the moon.
Do You Know about Sun Facts
Scientists know great deal about the stars that shine at night. Compared to these other stars, the Sun is actually quite average. Many of the stars that appear so small in the night sky are actually much bigger than our Sun. Others, however, are quite tiny in comparison. Some are much hotter, and some are so cool and dim we can barely see them. But for us on Earth, the Sun is just right!
What is the Sun made of?The Sun is made of hot gases, containing many of the same materials we find here on the Earth. These materials, called elements, include hydrogen, helium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron. You can find all of these on any periodic table of elements.
Did you know that most of the atoms in our bodies were made inside stars? As the famous scientist and educator Carl Sagan says, we are "star stuff."
How big is the Sun?The Sun is HUGE! Even though it looks small in the sky it is actually bigger than you might imagine. It only looks small because it is 93 million miles away. (That's about 150 million km.) The Earth is very tiny compared to the Sun. In fact, if you think of the Sun as a basketball, the Earth would only be the size of the head of a pin -- a mere speck.
The Earth is about 13 thousand kilometers (8000 miles) wide, whereas the Sun is roughly 1.4 million kilometers (900,000 miles) across. This means it would take more than 100 Earths to span the width of the Sun! If the Sun were a hollow ball, you could fit about one million Earths inside of it!
How far away is the Sun?The Sun is very FAR from Earth. In fact, it is 93 million miles away. (That's about 150 million km.) If the Sun were the size of a basketball, and Earth the size of the head of a pin, the basketball and the pin would be separated by about 100 feet -- a third of a football field (30.5 meters). If you were standing at the basketball (and didn't have a telescope to help you), you wouldn't even be able to see the pinhead Earth.
Another way to understand the distance is to think of driving to the Sun in a car. If you actually could do this, and drove really fast, say 60 miles an hour (80 km/hr), it would take you 176 years to get there! Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes to reach the Earth. If you understand how fast light travels, you can recognize that the Sun must be very far away.
How heavy is the Sun?Although we cannot actually weigh the Sun with a scale, we can compute its weight by studying the way it affects other objects, like the Earth. We do know that it contains virtually all the mass in our solar system! We can also understand this better by making some comparisons. Since the Sun is so much more massive than the Earth (over 300,000 times heavier) its gravitational pull is also much larger. A child that weighs 75 pounds on Earth would weigh about a ton on the Sun. The weight increases by a factor of 30. (Of course, we cannot really stand on the Sun, for it is too hot and has no solid surface.)
How old is the Sun?The Sun is about 4 1/2 billion years old. Humans have only been around for a tiny, tiny fraction of this time. As a comparison, if you think of 4.5 billion years as the length of a 12 inch ruler, then the time humans have existed wouldn't even be the width of the lines marking the inches. (Metric equivalent is 30.5cm and it would still be just the width of the markings.)
The Sun will remain more or less the way it is now for about another 5 billion years. After that, it will exhaust the hydrogen it currently "burns" and will enter a new phase of existence. During this phase the Sun will begin "burning" helium and will expand to about 100 times its current size and become what is called a red giant. Once it runs out of helium it will collapse into a much smaller object called a white dwarf.
How hot is the Sun?The Sun is extremely HOT! The middle of the Sun is at least 10 million degrees. The "surface" of the Sun (what we see) is only 5800 degrees. This is cool for the Sun, but is actually about 16 times hotter than boiling water (ouch!). The outer atmosphere of the Sun (which we don't really see with our eyes) gets extremely hot again, about 1.5 to 2 million degrees. These huge temperature changes are very interesting to scientists.
Can the Sun be dangerous?Never look directly at the Sun, even with sunglasses. The human eye is not made to look at an object that bright. It is so bright it could easily blind you in just a few seconds. Have you ever looked at a bright light bulb and then had to look away after a short time? Well, the Sun is about a million times brighter than a household light bulb. This is why you can injure your eyes: if you look directly at the Sun, the inside of your eyes can burn severely and may never heal again. You could lose your sight permanently. In order to study the Sun, scientists look directly at the Sun only with the aid of special instruments that are made to tolerate the extreme brightness.
The Sun also emits harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can damage your skin and eyes. In fact, any tan is a sign of damage to your skin! A sunburn may hurt for a while, but damaging your skin over many years can cause many problems, including skin cancer. That is why you should always wear sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher when you will be out in the Sun for more than a few minutes. This applies even for cloudy days -- though not as bright as sunny days, much of the harmful UV light still comes through. Note that having a tan is little protection from skin damage, providing an SPF of only about 2.
To help protect your eyes, use sunglasses that filter 100% of UV light. When you buy glasses, check for labels that say 100% UV Protection. People who don't protect their eyes when they are young run the risk of loss of sight when older, including getting cataracts .
Why do we study the Sun?Without the Sun, life on Earth would not exist. Our planet would be a frozen dark ball, drifting dead in space. We need the Sun for light, heat and energy. With the Sun, plants can grow, and animals can eat. The Sun's output changes over time. These changes affect not only our daily lives and climate, but also our communications, such as by satellites. The more we know about the Sun, the better we can deal with these changes.
In the past, we know the Sun was a little different than it is now, and at those times the Earth experienced ice ages. During the most recent ice age, almost all of Canada and the Northern US was covered in a huge sheet of ice about a mile thick! (That's about 1.6 km.) Even recently (the late 1600s) Europe and North America were a bit cooler than they are now, experiencing a little ice age, and changes in the Sun were most likely responsible.
The ozone hole is something different. Ozone is important to humans because it shields us from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The chemicals from leaky refrigerators and air conditioners make their way up in to highest part of the Earth's atmosphere. Way up there, these chemicals destroy ozone, and scientists have noticed recently that the layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere is becoming thin in some places. Scientists must study this so we can understand why it is occurring, and to take action now to protect it. It is interesting, however, that ozone is considered a pollutant when it is close to the ground. It hurts plants and trees, and our lungs. But we need it way up high to shield us from the UV.
Also, learning more about the Sun helps us to understand better other stars. And this helps us understand better the universe in which we live.
How do scientists study the Sun?Studying the Sun and how it affects the Earth is a very complicated process. In order to successfully do this, scientists approach the problem in many different ways. They separate their scientific efforts into categories and usually specialize in specific areas, such as How the amount of light from the Sun varies over time, or How the Sun's light affects the Earth's climate.
Some scientists study the Sun using computers to predict what the Sun may do in the future. Others build special instruments which look at the Sun and make measurements; they use computers both to collect and later make sense of the measurements.
What are the aurorae?The Aurora are colorful, whispy, moving curtains of light that occur in the night sky near one the Earth's poles. This light moves around in and changes color in a dazzling dance of light. The aurora are caused by energetic particles coming from the Sun. The Sun is very active, always putting stuff out into space. Every once in a while it can suddenly eject material -- a million tons of it -- into space. Some of this comes towards the Earth and hits our atmosphere.
The material (small particles) interacts with the Earth's outer atmosphere, causing the gas in the atmosphere to release light. This light appears in many different colors (green, blue, and red), and we call it the aurorae.
In the north they are called aurora boreallis, or northern lights. In the south they are called aurora australis, or southern lights.
What is an eclipse?Periodically the Moon will move directly in front of the the Sun. When it does, it blocks the light coming from the Sun. If it blocks out the Sun totally, we call this a total eclipse. If the Moon only blocks part of the Sun, it is a partial eclipse. You may wish to visit a real total eclipse, observed from the South American country Chile in 1994.
During a partial eclipse, you can still see part of the Sun behind the Moon, so you must not look at it. But, if you look at shadows from the leaves in trees you'll see they appear crescent shaped. Ask your teacher to make a pinhole camera, or project an image of the Sun using a mirror, and you'll be able to see the Moon blocking the Sun.
During a total eclipse, the bright Sun is completely blocked. At this time, the outer atmosphere of the Sun, or corona, becomes visible. During this brief occurrence, you can look at the corona with your eyes, because it is a million times dimmer than the Sun. Be very careful though -- even the slightest portion of the Sun poking past the edge of the Moon can hurt your eyes!
As you may know, the Moon is much smaller than the Earth, and it cannot block the Sun from the whole Earth at once. For this reason, eclipses only affect a small portion of the Earth's surface when they occur.
By the way, during a total eclipse, the stars are also visible!
Facts and figures
The Sun's mass is 2 x 1027 tonnes
About 75% of the Sun is hydrogen, the rest is mostly helium.
Gravity holds the Sun together.
The weight of the outer layers of the Sun causes the density and temperature to increase inwards, until at the centre the temperature is 15 million degrees Celsius and the density is 160 times that of water!!
At the centre of the Sun, hydrogen nuclei fuse into helium, releasing the energy upon which we depend.
The layers of the sun
The sun is not just a ball of gas in the sky, it is made up of different layers that all look different:
The surface of the sun is called the photosphere and is made up of thick gases. It is called a surface, but you couldn't walk on it - you would sink into the hot gas! It looks yellowy in colour and is marked with dark splotches called sun spots. Sun spots are not there all of the time, but change from day to day.
The photosphere is covered by two layers of atmosphere called the chromosphere and the corona. They are both almost invisible because the photosphere is so bright, and can only be seen properly with special telescopes or when there is a solar eclipse.
The chromosphere is made up of hot gases (mainly hydrogen), that swirl around the surface of the sun. Within these gases storms can occur and even hurricanes!
The corona is the outermost layer of the sun and stretches towards the planets as far as Mercury, getting thinner all the time.
Under the photosphere is the interior, made up of three hot layers. The core (the central part) is the hottest, we think it is around 15,000,000 °C (remember that water boils at 100 °C and freezes at 0 °C). This is where the light we see is created by nuclear reactions between hydrogen and helium. In the next layer up, the radiative zone, the heat created in the core moves outward through the gases.
In the convective zone, energy is transported by convection (like boiling soup). Convection therefore allows the photosphere to be heated up by the interior so that we can see the light from the sun.
ArcObject community
This is my personal Blog and i would like to invite those guys who want to Join me to for making a community of ArcObject Development. I want to know about you and your workprofile so that we can build a group which will help out for the programmer of Arcobject. I have started this by this blog with name ArcObject Help Online.
So please tell me about you or post your resume here so that i can know about you and we will together help out to arcobject guy.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What do you think about How to think?
Do you belive in Punarjanm
Birth and Death Immortal soulWhat is Rebirth Law of Action (Karm Phal) Rebirth and past Memories
Everyone who is born has to die. It is the law of the animate (living) world that whoever is born must die. What happens to the body and the soul after death? This always remains the question. According to Vedic Scriptures the body perishes after death, but this is not the case with the soul. The soul (Atma) in reality is beyond birth and death. The so called ‘birth’ of the soul is its entry into a body and its so-called ‘death’ is its separation from that body. After it discards a body the soul enters a new body in accordance with its actions (deeds). This cycle is known as REBIRTH I REINCARNATION or PUNARJANM which is one of the main principles of the Vedic Religion. Birth and Death The animate body comprises five elements: ether (space), air, fire, water and earth. When the soul enters the body it gives it life. The body becomes lively and starts performing deeds (actions). It continues doing so as long as the soul resides in it. When the body becomes aged, diseased or inactive due to certain reasons, the soul leaves it, causing it to become lifeless. This is known as DEATH. The dead body is unable to perform any action by itself. According to the Vedic scriptures, the body is cremated (burnt) as mentioned in the Yajurved (40.15) “BHASMANTAM SHARIRAM”, i.e. the body burns to ashes. “The elements of ether merges into the cosmic space, the life giving breath returns to the atmosphere, the heat of the body merge into the heat of the sun, the liquid unites with the water and the material body mixes with the earth. (Rigveda 10-16-3)
The soul is immortal (does not die)
After death the body perishes, but the soul does not perish because it is, by nature, immortal. When the soul establishes a link with a body we refer to it as birth, and when it leaves the body we call it death. This means that the soul existed before birth and will exist after death. The Gita (2-23) very well describes the immortality of the soul thus: - “Weapons cannot injure it; fire cannot burn it; it cannot be soaked in water nor can the wind dry it.”What is Rebirth? At the time of death the soul does not die. What happens to it then? The soul follows the cycle of birth after death and vice versa. It is always discarding an old body and entering a new one. This is known as rebirth. The body undergoes three stages, i.e. childhood, youth and old age. Similarly, death can be understood as the fourth stage when the soul departs from the old body to reside in a new one. Gita (2-22) clarifies this point further: - “Just as a person discards old and dirty clothes and puts on new ones, so does the soul discard the old or weak body and enters a new one.” Rebirth and the Law of Action (Karm Phal) The principle of Rebirth is tied up with the Law of Action. One reaps good or bad fruits in accordance with one’s actions. The Principle of Law of Action applies to both the present life and the life to come, i.e. the life after death. The soul carries with it the impressions of its actions into the next life. Happiness and sorrows are associated with life from birth. Children are born under varied conditions and circumstances. Some are born cripple or lame, some healthy and some strong. Some take birth in poor homes while others in rich homes. Some are intelligent, while some are mentally retarded. Why are these differences found amongst children? Even children born in one home of the same parents have differences among them. Anyone who believes in the Justice of God will not accept that such differences are brought about by acts of God. God cannot practice such thoughtless acts. If He does, then He is unfair and unjust, which He is not. These differences help to prove the principle of Rebirth, that is, a person takes birth according to one’s actions in the previous life. One reaps in the present life the fruits of his or her actions of the past life. It is with the justice meted out by God that one takes birth according to one’s past actions. God is omniscient. He operates with justice and thoughtfulness. He shows no favouritism and does not make mistakes. A person has to accept God’s justice and undergo happiness or suffering according to one’s deeds in his or her previous life. Even though we realise that such persons are suffering through their own actions, it is our duty to lessen their suffering through appropriate means. The theory of Rebirth enables one to understand the cycle of life and death and realise the justice and orderliness in the creation of God. Thus the principle of Rebirth and the Laws of action (karm) are inseparable. Rebirth and past Memories The theory of Rebirth raises the question, “why are we unable to recall events of our past lives?” When we examine deeply, we find that we are forgetful of many events even in our present life. It is difficult to remember what we ate only a few days ago and even more difficult to remember events of childhood days. Life ends in death and changes the existing circumstances completely. Therefore it is natural to forget all events associated with previous lives. Another significant fact about past memories is that it is to our advantage to forget the past life. If one were to remember all the associations, troubles, pains and sorrows of the past then the present life would become a miserable one. If unhappy events of the past were to remain unforgettable and fresh all the time then the present life would be unhappy. Therefore in the process of rebirth God’s act of destroying our memories of the past is a blessing to us. If one does want to know about one’s past and future then he or she has to develop such powers through Yoga and Meditation.
Hand Main Line
Main Lines of Hand Some lines are generally formed on the palm of the person at the time of birth. These are called Main Lines. These lines are found in almost every human being. Some lines are formed by subconscious mind when the underlying thought process is continuously directed to one direction. These are called "Secondary Lines". Some lines keep on appearing and disappearing from time to time. They reflect the activeness of the subconscious mind; they are called "influence lines".
Main LinesA semi circular line found on the palm is called the Line of Life. It reveals physical vitality, health, or unfavorable circumstances, stamina, potential and change of residence of the person.Lower horizontal line is popularly known as the Line of Head. This is the most important among the main lines on palm. It reveals a person's mental ability, memory and concentration power. A long deep head line indicates excellent brain and good flow of thoughts.
The upper horizontal line near the base of finger is popularly known as Line of Heart. This line reveals the emotional capacity of a person. The degree of sympathy and compassion the person possess and his sentimental status. The line of heart also indicates the physical ability of our body organ in the heart.
To learn Palmistry, one can join wonderful courses provided by the Institute of Palmistry. To know more about courses, please Click here. To know you future, please Click here. To see our books on Palmistry, Click here.
Secondary Lines
Those lines which are formed by the electric currents emanating from some centers of the brain. They run from wrist towards the fingers. They are the Line of Saturn, Line of Sun, and the Line of Mercury. These lines are not found on all hands. They reveal about the ups and downs in a person's life. The questions regarding divorce, career, success, profession, travel, journey etc can be answered through the study of these lines.
Line of Saturn is also called fate line. This line indicates the amount of money, property a person will possess and his prospects in business or in employment.
Line of Sun reveals the success of a person's endeavors. It is a subsidiary of the line of Saturn. To answer the questions relating to business, employment, career etc., along with the Saturn line the sun line should also be considered.
Line of Mercury:- Not formed on all palms. It indicates about person's health, cleverness, business acumen or the ability to study science or energy in research field.
Monday, June 9, 2008
IMxDocument with Example
Obtain a reference to this interface via IApplication::Document.
To edit the contents of a map document saved to a file (*.mxd) outside of an ArcMap session or without instantiating a new Application (ArcMap process), see IMapDocument. IMapDocument provides the ability to edit and save the contents of a map document.
[Visual Basic 6.0]
In ArcMap's VBA environment, the MxDocument object is exposed globally through ThisDocument (which supports IDocument). From this object you can obtain an IMxDocument reference. You can also obtain a reference to the same object through the Application object (which supports IApplication). The following VBA code shows both techniques. Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument
Set pMxDocument = Application.Document
' or
Set pMxDocument = ThisDocument
Online Begging/Smart and Educated begger
During the early days of the Internet, cyber begging was evident in the form of personal advertisements for help on local bulletin board systems (BBS). As personal websites became more popular, individuals began advertising their needs using the features available through website authoring. Many Internet service providers (ISPs) offered a free homepage along with the basic dial-up connection service to the Internet. For many people, this was an opportunity to create an inexpensive website to host and share their personal experience and need.
As non-profit organizations began moving their fundraising efforts from snail mail (postal mail) to the World Wide Web, individuals began to create more elaborate forms of personal 'fundraising' by utilizing many of the same Internet techniques.
During the late 1990s, as the Internet became more sophisticated, resources became available allowing any individual to create an attractive website without requiring the knowledge of HTML or other web authoring systems. These free-to-inexpensive web hosting services remain a constant on the Internet making it easy for the public to access, create and advertise an Internet begging website.
Internet begging gained notoriety and momentum after June of 2002 when Karyn Bosnak started as an attempt to have the Internet public help pay her credit card debt, which was in part due to her predilection for Designer Clothing & Starbucks coffee. For Bosnak, the results led to traditional media attention, appearances on popular television programs and a book. Her website was probably the first Internet begging site to gain wide exposure and it became the example for many to follow.
[edit] Internet begging sites
With hundreds of Internet begging sites on-line, it has become common practice for web beggars to register and own the domain name of their websites. Using free to inexpensive hosting services, Internet begging websites ask the public for help with many needs including breast augmentation surgery[1], cancer treatments, new cars, preventing personal homelessness, and medical bills to suggest a few. Websites with names reflecting their needs directly or indirectly are panhandling for help with a variety of human needs and conditions, from deeply personal to very humorous.
Many 'cause websites' accept contributions via clickable hyperlinks. Internet services like PayPal and the Honor system offer free to inexpensive credit card and payment acceptance services making it easy for cyber beggars to collect donations directly from their websites.
Many of the Internet begging websites appear to be the result of an individual’s legitimate desire for attention and help. However, a new trend is emerging in 'Mega' begging sites that are ostensibly offering would be Internet beggars help with the details of website design, hosting and advertising. [2]
Internet begging websites are essentially as transient as traditional off-line panhandlers with respect to territory and accessibility. Many Internet begging websites are not long lived.
[edit] Begging in online poker rooms
Sometimes beggars use the chat facility in online poker rooms to beg for money. This practice often occurs at high stakes tables, where the beggars may believe they have a better chance of being paid by people who play for high stakes. However, this practice is usually frowned upon,[3] and most online poker rooms employ countermeasures to prevent it.[4] These countermeasures include revoking offenders' chat privileges, limiting chat to seated players only, and placing limitations on who may chat as an observer.
[edit] Laws against internet begging
Some countries and other jurisdictions have passed laws prohibiting or restricting internet begging, though enforcement has been minimal, and there have been no major reports of anyone being prosecuted for the practice in itself.
The United Kingdom has outlawed all internet begging, but has not actively tried to crack down on the practice
Mexico has a law requiring those engaging in internet begging to positively identify themselves and to accurately specify why they need money.
In virtually all places, those receiving money through internet begging are required to pay taxes in accordance with all national, state, and local laws.
District attorneys in all places where such laws exist agree that enforcement is difficult, given that the internet is worldwide, and since funds are usually solicited across jurisdiction lines, such prosecution is difficult.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
IScreenDisplay Example with Description
Both the PageLayout and the Map have an associated ScreenDisplay
object that is used for all graphic rendering. ScreenDisplay maintains a
DisplayTransformation. You can access the properties of DisplayTransformation
such as VisibleBounds and use the methods to convert coordinates
and distances between map and device units. This is illustrated
by the diagram in Figure 4.
Figure 5
Private Sub Hello()
Dim mxDoc As IMxDocument
Set mxDoc = Application.Document
Dim activeView As IActiveView
Set activeView = mxDoc.activeView
‘ set up a text symbol to draw with
Dim sym As ITextSymbol
Set sym = New TextSymbol
‘ change the font size to 18
Dim fnt As IFontDisp
Set fnt = sym.Font
fnt.Size = 18
sym.Font = fnt
‘ draw into the active view’s display
With activeView.ScreenDisplay
.StartDrawing .hDC, esriNoScreenCache
.SetSymbol sym
Dim bnds As IArea
Set bnds =
.DrawText bnds.Centroid, “Hello”
End With
End Sub
Events such as adding a new layer to the map will cause the ScreenDisplay
to trigger a redraw. The drawing process occurs in three phases.
The drawing order is the geography, the selection, and the annotation.
A drawing cache is an off-screen bitmap of the rendered map that is
stamped onto the screen whenever the window is painted. ScreenDisplay
manages several drawing caches. When you initiate drawing to a
ScreenDisplay you must specify the destination cache. If the constant
esriNoScreenCache is specifi ed, the graphics will draw directly on the
ScreenDisplay’s window and will not be cached. If another window
obscures the display, the graphics will be lost. The following script
draws the text “Hello” in the center of the ScreenDisplay using the esri-
NoScreenCache constant.
In the example in Figure 5, note that the drawing calls SetSymbol and
DrawText are bracketed within the StartDrawing and FinishDrawing
Working with Layers
Maps maintain a collection of layers. A layer is any object that implements
the ILayer interface. Examples of layer objects include Feature-
Layer, GroupLayer, GraphicsLayer, AnnotationLayer, CadLayer, Tin-
Layer, and RasterLayer. The Layer(index) and LayerCount properties
of the IMap interface can be used to navigate the layer collection. The
function illustrated in Figure 6 fi nds and returns the layer with the specifi
ed name.
Figure 6
Function FindLayer(map As IMap, name As String)
As ILayer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To map.LayerCount - 1
If map.Layer(i).name = name Then
Set FindLayer = map.Layer(i)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Figure 7
Sub AddLayer()
‘ use a workspaceFactory to open the workspace
Dim wksFact As IWorkspaceFactory
Set wksFact = New Shapefi leWorkspaceFactory
Dim wks As IFeatureWorkspace
Set wks = wksFact.OpenFromFile(“c:\Data\shp”, 0)
‘ open the featureClass
Dim fc As IFeatureClass
Set fc = wks.OpenFeatureClass(“BigCypress”)
‘ create a featureLayer
Dim lyr As IFeatureLayer
Set lyr = New FeatureLayer
Set lyr.FeatureClass = fc
‘ name the layer with the featureClass name
Dim ds As IDataset
Set ds = fc
lyr.Name = ds.Name
‘ add the layer to the map
Dim mxDoc As IMxDocument
Set mxDoc = Application.Document
Dim map As IMap
Set map = mxDoc.FocusMap
map.AddLayer lyr
End Sub
A FeatureLayer manages a connection to a vector data source such as
a coverage, shapefi le, or Spatial Database Engine (SDE) layer through
a FeatureClass object. The script in Figure 7 obtains a FeatureClass
object for a shapefi le by opening the Workspace that contains the shapefi
le using Shapefi leWorkspaceFactory. It then creates a FeatureLayer,
attaches the FeatureClass to the layer, and adds it to the FocusMap.
Are You Concious about your Diet?
Following a detoxification diet is critical to good health because our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxicity in our everyday lives. Most people can't avoid everyday pollutants altogether, but they can take steps to protect their health using a healing diet. Once environmental illness is diagnosed, the logical first step to take is removing the offending toxins from a person's environment and begin body detoxification. Only then can healing begin. Detoxification is the key to getting better. There are many ways to detoxify your body using a detoxification diet and I examine some of those here:
First, a good way to protect your health is to not eat harmful foods! Here are foods to avoid if you are to live a long, healthy life:
Foods that Kill
Margarine and other hydrogenated fats,Chlorinated WaterAntibiotics (not always, but in many cases)Aspartame Table salt
MSG - Mono Sodium Glutamate Pesticides CarcinogensHormones which can be present in milkFood additives Refined sugar, sweetenersJunk/processed foods (Processed "food" is life-less food)fried, smoked, grilled foods
Soft drinks - Keep your child away from thisAlcohol drinks
What should a detoxification diet consist of?
An important part of your detoxification diet should be water, healing foods, vegetable juices, fats that heal, and unrefined sea salt.
Eat primarily foods that contain live enzymes, "life force" and nutrients. "Foods" that lack these elements cause the body to become acid, produce mucous, and congest the intestinal tract. Over time, if you keep eating a poor diet, this congestion builds up, layer after layer, eventually forming a hardened layer of plaque in the intestin. This substance is known as "mucoid fecal plaque" and is believed to contribute towards a majority of the obstacles to optimal health.
A good detoxification diet will make your body ALKALINE. The acid/alkaline balance of your body needs to be managed. Most people today have an over acid body, primarily from a diet of acid-forming foods and stress. It's difficult to be acid and totally healthy. Becoming acidic is one of the first steps toward illness. It's almost impossible to find someone with a disease who is not over acid. More about the critical role of body PH here.
Anytime the body drops from full vitality, weakened areas result. Stress alone may create the over acidity which leads to mucoid plaque. And stress often prompts deviation from a good diet as the person seeks comfort or quick energy through acid-forming foods.
Another aspect of the nontoxic diet is avoiding drugs--over-the-counter, prescription, and recreational types--and substituting natural remedies, such as nutrients, herbs, and homeopathic medicines, all of which have fewer side effects.
Other natural therapies, such as acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic may help in treating some problems so that we will not need drugs for them. Avoiding or minimizing exposure to chemicals at home and work is also important. This lessens our total toxic load. Substituting natural cleansers, cosmetics, and clothes is helpful. My favorite source for ayurvedic massage oils and natural cleansers which don't contain harmful ingredient is here
One form of the detoxification diet is one made up exclusively of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, either raw or cooked, and whole grains, both cooked and sprouted; however, no breads or baked goods, animal foods and dairy products or alcohol are used. This diet keeps fiber and water intake up and helps colon detoxification. Most people can handle this well and make the shift from their regular diet with a few days transition.
The next level of detoxification involves a diet consisting solely of fruits and raw vegetables, all cleansing foods. The green vegetables, especially the chlorophyllic and high-nutrient leafy greens, are very cleansing and supportive for purification of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole body.
I was first introduced to the power of raw, water rich foods such as fruits and vegetables by the popular motivational speaker Tony Robbins . Tony Robbins has helped me make marked improvements in not only my health but other aspects of my life as well. I highly recommend his life-changing programs.
A raw foods diet is fulfilling for many people, very high in energy and nutrition. This type of cleansing diet contains lots of sprouted greens from seeds and grains such as wheat, buckwheat, sunflower, alfalfa, and Red Clover; sprouted beans; soaked or sprouted raw nuts; and fresh fruits and vegetables. Cooking food is not allowed with this diet; eating foods raw maintains the highest concentrations of vitamins, minerals and important enzymes, and allows them to find their way into our body and cells. Many people feel that this is the best of diets; it can be health supportive over quite some time if it is balanced properly.
Another form of cleansing diet is juice fasting.
Whether you are on a detoxification diet or not, it helps to follow those recommended rules while eating.
- While on a cleansing diet, follow these recommended steps to protect yourself from toxins in the environment
Water plays a critical role in a good detoxification dietThere are also many cleansing herbs which may be part of a detoxification diet.
Niacin can play an important in the detoxification of fatty tissue.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
IQueryFilter Example with Description
When To Use
When you need to filter data based on attribute values or the relationships between attributes.
Let's do it by one example
Dim pQueryFilter As IQueryFilter
Set pQueryFilter = New QueryFilter
Setting the SubFields and WhereClause: pQueryFilter.SubFields = "STATE_NAME,POPULATION"
pQueryFilter.WhereClause = "STATE_NAME = 'California'"
Using a query filter to search a feature class:Dim pFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor
Set pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(pQueryFilter, False)
GIS Product
GRASS – Originally developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, open source: a complete GIS
MapServer – Web-based mapping server, developed by the University of Minnesota.
Other open source GIS applications:
gvSIG 1.0
SAGA GIS – – System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses- a hybrid GIS software. SAGA has a unique Application Programming Interface (API)and a fast growing set of geoscientifc methods, bundled in exchangeable Module Libraries.
Quantum GIS – QGIS is a user friendly Open Source GIS that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows.
MapWindow GIS – Free, open source GIS desktop application and programming component.
ILWIS – ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) integrates image, vector and thematic data.
gvSIG – Open source GIS written in Java.
Chameleon – Environments for building applications with MapServer.
GeoNetwork opensource – A catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources
GeoTools – Open source GIS toolkit written in Java, using Open Geospatial Consortium specifications.
JUMP GIS – Java Unified Mapping Platform. (See end of page for JUMP derivative projects, like Kosmo and OpenJUMP)
MapGuide Open Source – Web-based mapping server.
OpenLayers – open source AJAX library for accessing geographic data layers of all kinds, originally developed and sponsored by MetaCarta
PostGIS – Spatial extensions for the open source PostgreSQL database, allowing geospatial queries.
TerraView – GIS desktop that handles vector and raster data stored in a relational or geo-relational database.
Xastir A special purpose Open Source GIS application used as an APRS client by Amateur radio operators, written in C for X Window environments.
[edit] Notable commercial or proprietary GIS software
Most widely used notable proprietary software applications and providers:
Hydro GeoAnalyst— Environmental data management and visualization software by Schlumberger Water Services.
Autodesk – Products include MapGuide and other products that interface with its flagship AutoCAD software package.
Cadcorp – Developers of GIS software and OpenGIS standard (e.g. Read/Write Open Source PostGIS database).
Intergraph – Products include GeoMedia, GeoMedia Profesional, GeoMedia WebMap, and add-on products for industry sectors, as well as photogrammetry.
ERDAS IMAGINE – A proprietary GIS, Remote Sensing, and Photogrammetry software developed by ERDAS, Inc.
ESRI – Products include ArcView 3.x, ArcGIS, ArcSDE, ArcIMS, and ArcWeb services.
IDRISI – Proprietary GIS product developed by Clark Labs.
MapInfo – Products include MapInfo Professional and MapXtreme. integrates GIS software, data and services.
MapPoint – Proprietary GIS product developed by Microsoft.
GISNet— A web-based GIS system developed by MRF Geosystems Corporation.
Caliper – Products include Maptitude, TransCAD and TransModeler. Develops GIS and the only GIS for transportation.
Pictometry – Proprietary software which allows oblique images to be draped with shapefiles. Many gov't applications (fire, 911, police, assessor) as well as commercial.
Black Coral Inc — a leading edge product company developing geospatial collaboration capabilities that enable better outcomes for personnel and tactical teams operating in emergency response and military environments.
Other notable proprietary software applications and providers:
CARIS (Computer Aided Resource Information System) – GIS systems for hydrography and cadastral systems.
DeLorme – Producer XMap and other GIS tools, data, and GPS hardware.
GMS – Three-dimensional environment for building geologic and groundwater models
Manifold System – Low-cost GIS software package.
Oracle Spatial – Product allows users to perform basic geographic operations and store common spatial data types in a native Oracle environment.
Orbit GIS Generic and multi-purpose GIS toolkit, written using 100% Java.
Safe Software – Spatial ETL products including FME, SpatialDirect and the ArcGIS Data Interoperability Extension.
Smallworld – developed in Cambridge, England (Smallworld, Inc.) and purchased by General Electric and used primarily by public utilities.
AvisMap @ – Products include AvisMap GIS Engine, AivsMap Desktop, AvisMap Free Viewer, and SDM(Spatial Database Management).
[edit] Other GIS software
CrossView for ArcGIS – created by A-Prime Software, CrossView is a wizard-based ArcGIS plug-in, which enables map cross-sectioning and profile creation.
GeoBase – Geospatial platform developed by Telogis. A particular focus is placed on real-time processing for reverse-geocoding, geofencing, etc.
GGP GIS – created by GGP Systems Ltd, GGP GIS is a GIS application used mainly by UK local authorities.
GeoAgro GIS – created by GeoAgro, GeoAgro GIS is a GIS specialized for agriculture and environmental applications.
ILOG JViews Maps, Java library for map display with overlays as symbols and diagrams.
LandSerf – Free GIS written in Java. Source available but not strictly open source.
Panorama – Russian GIS for military uses.
SPRING – GIS software developed at INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais and available free of charge.
TC Technology – GO! Sync Mapbook, A Mobile GIS mapping application built on ArcGIS Engine. Redlining, Inspections, GPS, Tracing functionality. Eliminates paper maps for field personnel.
TerraLib – GIS class and functions library, available from the Internet as open source, allowing a collaborative environment and its use for the development of multiple GIS tools.
TNTmips – Geospatial analysis system providing a GIS, RDBMS, and automated image processing system with CAD, TIN, surface modeling, and data publishing tools.
SavGIS – Free and complete GIS software available in French, English and Spanish, developed since 1984 by the Development Research French Institute (IRD)
Tilcon GIS Maps – Tilcon - an embedded graphical user interface company produces a GIS application development module.
Scenome – Software for building geo-referenced terrain databases from industry standard GIS formats such as DEM and GEOTIFF.
GDAL – Geo-Data Abstraction Library. Popular open-source product for managing GIS data.
PROJ4 – Popular, open-source product for converting GIS data between projections.
MapTools – Suite of open-source GIS products and platforms.
Spatial Communication – Spatcom (Spatial Communication) is a Free and Share GIS Software with Digital Map Data Made in Indonesia.
OpenStreetMap – Online map viewer, with map editing capability.
Elshayal Smart GIS – The First Arabian GIS Software
Netcad is the first Turkish GIS Software, owned by ULUSAL, with English and Turkish support.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
ArcObject Defintion

ArcObjects is the collection of COM components that provides
the underpinning for two new ArcInfo 8 applications—ArcMap and
ArcCatalog. This set of components includes more than 1,200 objects
that may be used to customize, extend, or construct GIS applications.
Initially, an object model of this size can seem a little overwhelming.
Taking a close look at the object model for ArcMap will familiarize you
with some of the fundamental components in the larger object model.
The Basic Structure
Figure 1 shows a conceptual object model for ArcMap. The top-level
object, MxApplication, represents ArcMap itself. MxApplication manages
a single document, MxDocument. ArcMap uses a Single Document
Interface (SDI) in contrast to ArcView GIS, which uses a Multiple
Document Interface (MDI). MxDocument manages a collection of Map
objects and a PageLayout object. When ArcMap is in geographic view,
the ActiveView is a Map. When it’s in layout view, the ActiveView is
the PageLayout. Regardless of the type of view, there is always a single
If ArcMap displays a document with three data frames in layout view,
there will be three Maps attached to the MxDocument, the ActiveView
property will return the PageLayout, and the FocusMap will return the
Map corresponding to the data frame that is highlighted. The VBA
script listed in Figure 2 illustrates this part of the object model. The
script changes the ActiveView’s extent and zooms in by 75 percent.
This script is fairly straightforward. The real work is getting the current
extent, which is an IEnvelope interface, from the ActiveView, shrinking
it, and making the modifi ed envelope the new extent. This script operates
on the ActiveView through the IActiveView interface. The ActiveView
can be either the PageLayout or a Map depending on what the end user is
looking at. This script will function correctly in either case.
Working with Interfaces
In some cases you will want to work specifi cally with either the Map or
the PageLayout through a different interface. In this situation, a COMobject
model differs greatly from a traditional object-oriented model
like Avenue or MapObjects. An interface is a collection of related methods
and properties. COM objects expose multiple interfaces. For example,
the Map exposes not only the IActiveView interface but the IMap
interface and several others